Wednesday 15 September 2010


Home of the Brave
America isn't known for it's parking. Sadly the excess of space and the proliferation of garages and 'lots' makes it a nearly impossibility to find a challenge worthy of a full blooded parking enthusiast. Most of the Pic's and vids that you see from the states are from artificially created and sometimes even pre-measured gaps. While it makes for an impressive photograph, for me, pre-measurement takes the fun out of our sport. 

In the world of parking half the battle is finding the opportunity to shine.  The perfect gap is out there, but it is up to you to go and find it.  

In pre-measured  parking, where is the glorious realisation that yes, what you are attempting to do is possible, that you were correct in your original assessment and you will not have to pull out and start your search anew?

Being sure of the length of your vehicle and your ability to control it, should be the name of the game. 

I've decided to run this pic today because I know that it is a genuine 'organic' gap  and one with it's fair share of historical significance.  Outside the Bank of America outlet on Poca Road In Santa Rosa California, There is a short-stop, three car line that really only has enough room for 2 and 2/3rds of a vehicle. It has been a popular break since the mid 1980's. 

Because it's outside a bank, there is a constant demand for spaces as well as a fast turnover of drivers. As a result you get a lot of variety in a short space of time and just to spice things up a little, every job you pull has a time limit: you have to work faster than the desk jockeys inside the bank or one of your flankers could well disappear before you are able to finish.

Felix Maude, (The dude in the black T-shirt) used to come by as a boy, just to watch the greats at play, pioneers like DJ Piotrowski and Michael Millington who, in clapped out Camero's without the aid of powersteering, could pull no-look-back reverses in under a minute, leaving just fractions of an inch of air at both ends... .

Standing on the shoulders of giants, Felix has worked hard to keep the US organic scene alive in extremely difficult circumstances and we at 100% Awesome would like to recognise that fact.  

As for the picture... It's a great park job Felix, we salute you. That said, it could be a little more even and next time you might want to straighten the front wheel before you run outside with your camera.

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